Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Top Gear star begs BBC to show 280mph car crash
With Top Gear facing the axe, injured presenter Richard Hammond has begged the BBC to show the 280mph car crash that almost killed him.
In a bid to save the motoring show, the 36-year-old is also prepared to appear on television live from his hospital bed.
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In a bid to save the motoring show, the 36-year-old is also prepared to appear on television live from his hospital bed.
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[Video] Cheney and Bush knowingly misrepresenting the now declassified NIE
"The Iraq conflict has become the a 'cause celebre' for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement." After seeing this was consensus report of 16 intelligence agencies in April of 2006, both Bush and Cheney knowingly continued to argue the opposite.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bush's Response to Clinton, 9/11
A woman asks Bush at a recent press conference if Clinton's allegation is true that Bush had no meetings about dealing with Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda threat for nine months after Clinton left office, and left Al Qaeda intel for Bush. Bush's response? "No comment."
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MSNBC's Olbermann calls Bush out as a lying coward on National TV!
Olbermann makes an amazing retort to the Clinton interview on Fox. I've never seen a member of the media make such a politicized speach... and it was dead on! I hope this is a turning point for this God awful administration.
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MSNBC Runs Entire Segment On Clinton's Socks And His "White Legs"
Today MSNBC decided to forego substantive discussion of terrorism and instead focused on the fact that former President Bill Clinton
�s sock had slipped and part of his �white� leg was showing during his interview with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. The MSNBC host asked her guests, �Is this a travesty or what?� [VIDEO AT LINK]
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�s sock had slipped and part of his �white� leg was showing during his interview with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. The MSNBC host asked her guests, �Is this a travesty or what?� [VIDEO AT LINK]
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Revision3 Launches Tonight!
First broadcast television. Then cable television. Now, you can kill your television. Revision3 aims to prove that on-demand, distributed online content is better, faster, more effective, and better targeted to what YOU want to watch.
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God doesn't exist, science does
Professor Richard Dawkins argues that belief in god is irrational and inflicts great harm upon societies.
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Jon Stewart's Take on the Bill Clinton Foxnews Interview
Jon Stewart on Monday's Daily Show reviews the Chris Wallace interview of Bill Clinton and makes fun of how the media spins the event in an attempt to make Clinton appear to have "lost it". Obviously, Clinton put Wallace in his place.
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Monday, September 25, 2006
The F Word Clear As A Bell on Family Guy Tonight
You don't even have to listen closely to the guy in the hummer. That's right he said F*&king! I cannot believe this was on tv!!!!
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"Iraq War Has Made Terror Worse" - US Intel Agencies
According to the National Intelligence Estimate, a report from all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, the war in Iraq has made global terrorism worse by fanning Islamic radicalism and providing a training ground for terrorists who are being exported to other countries. This contradicts the Neocon theory about "fighting them over there."
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Nintendo Stole a Super Mario Theme from a Funk Rock band?
While LP hunting, I ran across this funk rock band, by the Name of Friendship, with a song a little too similar to Super Mario Brothers' "Underworld Theme".
Friendship released 1979.
Super Mario Brothers released 1985.
Super Mario vs Friendship comparison [0:51m]: Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download
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Friendship released 1979.
Super Mario Brothers released 1985.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Have You Ever Taken the World's Smallest Political Quiz? Try It Here....

In 1969, David Nolan -- a political scientist who had been frustrated by simplistic "left-right" labels -- devised a chart to help delineate the shades of difference in between;categories also include authoritarian, libertarian and centrist. Nolan believed this chart was a more accurate way to measure a person's political philosophy .......
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Richard Branson donates ALL Virgin Group profit to fight global warming!
Wow, this is an amazing pledge. Richard Branson is going to donate 100% of profits from the travel companies in the Virgin Group (Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Trains etc.) over the next 10 years to help fight global warming. That is a contribution worth $3billion!
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CAUGHT ON TAPE: Administration Misleads America on Iraq/Al Qaeda Link
A video compilation of administration officials asserting an Iraq/Al Qaeda link. The clips are from the days after a Senate Intelligence Committee report refuted the connection.
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Matthews: 'I Have Been Against This Bullshit War From The Beginning'
Video of MSNBC's Chris Matthews being interviewed by Don Imus on Thursday morning.
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Banned: The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments ($600 book for free)
Back in the late 60's this book was pulled from all public libraries and store shelves by the government. It was said that the experiments and information contained herein were too dangerous for the general public. It currently sells for $690 on Amazon. Great book. This is the only place on the internet I know of to get a copy.
Here is a mirror..
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Here is a mirror..
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Bin your charger - these AA batteries have in-built USB port!

Leave that bulky desktop battery charger at home - flip the lid on these clever AA batteries and charge over USB using the in-built, standard USB port! A must-have for digital cameras and other devices still using AA cells.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Senate must not pardon President Bush for breaking the law
This week, the Senate is planning to quietly hold a vote that would pardon President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans. So far, Democrats and some Republicans are holding strong against the bill, and there are good chances to stop it if enough of us speak up.
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Gas Prices in Perspective
Gas prices haunt Americans. The price of a barrel of oil and a gallon of gas are daily news items. Drivers groan as they watch the gas pump price gauge count past $40 (or $50, or $100), although being able to punch in their phone number or swipe a card to get a three cent discount makes them feel like children on Christmas.
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Poll: Americans don't want net neutrality
(or maybe they don't know what it is)
A nationwide survey of 800 registered voters is being touted by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation because it purports to show that Americans are not interested in net neutrality legislation.
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A nationwide survey of 800 registered voters is being touted by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation because it purports to show that Americans are not interested in net neutrality legislation.
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Bill Clinton On The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Bill Clinton made an appearance on the Daily Show Monday to share the heartwarming work of his Clinton Global Initiative, but the climax of the interview was more fun. Jon Stewart put the former President on the �seat of heat� and asked: �Mr. President, Hilary Clinton may be running for President. If so, what is the key to defeating her?�
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Jon Stewart responds to Robert Novak
After Novak made derogatory comments about The Daily Show on CSPAN (which were featured on Digg a couple of days ago), Jon tries his best to make peace: "I may have called you a douchebag... but I only said those things because I honestly think you're a horrible person!"
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Google and Apple 'in video talks'
Technology giants Google and Apple are in discussions over video content for the computer firm's recently announced iTV device, say reports.
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Burn: Open Source alternative to Toast Titanium
Burn is a nice, free and open source alternative to the popular Mac disc-creation application, Toast Titanium.
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"Hotel Minibar" Keys Open Diebold Voting Machines
This just keeps getting worse and worser...
The access panel door on a Diebold AccuVote-TS voting machine � the door that protects the memory card that stores the votes, and is the main barrier to the injection of a virus � can be opened with a standard key that is widely available on the Internet...
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The access panel door on a Diebold AccuVote-TS voting machine � the door that protects the memory card that stores the votes, and is the main barrier to the injection of a virus � can be opened with a standard key that is widely available on the Internet...
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Retrieve Serial Numbers or CD Keys from your computer
KeyFinder Thing is a simple utility to retrieve the Serial numbers or CD Keys of Microsoft software installed on your system. It includes options to export the list of found keys and a search option to find keys not included by default....
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Impossible to use Windows XP on 24" iMacs
It seems that BootCamp is incompatible with the newest 24" iMacs. It is impossible to install Win XP on it, since the screen remains black at boot. Apple did not comment yet on this issue but everyone willing to buy one needs to be informed.
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Oh yeah!!
Fixed in Bootcamp 1.1.1, available now.
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Oh yeah!!
Fixed in Bootcamp 1.1.1, available now.
Video: FOX NEWS Exposes Princeton / Diebold Vote-Reversal Story
The Princeton professor does a short demonstration of how a hacked Diebold voting machine works. I would have liked to see more on how easy it is to actually hack the machine. Still, an interesting video considering its from Fox news. So much for left wing conspiracy... This is not a partisan issue.
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The White Stripes appear on the Simpsons
The White Stripes' appearance on The Simpsons has landed on YouTube. Go here to watch it.
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Microsoft's Zune WILL NOT Play Protected Windows Media
Not sure if this is true... BUT if it is... what a dumb ass move
Microsoft's Zune will not play protected Windows Media Audio and Video purchased or "rented" from Napster 2.0, Rhapsody, Yahoo! Unlimited, Movielink, Cinemanow, or any other online media service. That's right -- the media that Microsoft promised would Play For Sure doesn't even play on Microsoft's own device.
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Microsoft's Zune will not play protected Windows Media Audio and Video purchased or "rented" from Napster 2.0, Rhapsody, Yahoo! Unlimited, Movielink, Cinemanow, or any other online media service. That's right -- the media that Microsoft promised would Play For Sure doesn't even play on Microsoft's own device.
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Exploit code targets unpatched Internet Explorer Hole
Exploit code that could be used to hijack Windows PCs via an unpatched Internet Explorer flaw has been posted on the internet.
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Skype Unveils Mac Video Version
Our aim is that Mac users can talk for free with everyone they know regardless of whether they're on Mac, Windows, Linux or on a regular phone," said Stephanie Zari, a Skype spokesperson. "We hope that the ability to talk to anyone in the world will be a useful supplement to their iChat service."
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Umm.... DON'T Play With Live Grenades!
But if you're going to, definitely don't pull the pin with your teeth, hold in your hand and stare at it. Throw the damn thing. We'll call him Mr. Lucky!
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what a f'in idiot...
First woman gets bionic arm - Engadget

As The Washington Post reports, 26-year old Claudia Mitchell has become the fourth person and first woman to get outfitted with a bionic arm (well, besides Lindsay Wagner), with which she's able to perform functions simply by thinking about them. The arm was designed by researchers at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago -- who are part of a larger project funded by DARPA -- and works by detecting the movement's of Mitchell's chest muscle, which has been rewired to the nerves that once served her left arm. Eventually, researchers say, the arm could even give Mitchell the sense of touch, with electrodes in the hand sending signals to her chest skin, which her brain would recognize as a sensation. This being part of a DARPA project though, we're sure they're also working on things they're not telling us, like crazy swinging grappling hook action.
First woman gets bionic arm - Engadget
Decriminalize Pot: Prison Room Needed for Pedophiles & Politicians
Texas Ind. gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman for the decriminalization of marijuana to avoid further clogging state prisons with nonviolent offenders. "We've got to clear some of the room out of the prisons so we can put the bad guys in there, like the pedophiles and the politicians," said Friedman, a humorist and author.
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iTunes 7 turning out to have major glitches
iTunes 7 a "lemon" ? "Both Mac and PC users appear to be affected by the glitches being reported, and numerous different threads on the Apple discussion forum have described a range of technical issues." Oh, and did we mention that many professionally produced podcasts --
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The Daily Show: Can you say anything if you just ask?
Jon Stewart analyzes the use of the question mark in TV news channels, and reveals that some (you know who) use it just to say things that otherwise would be considered biased slander... are segments like these the reason they got an Emmy Award?
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Apple iTV a Stab in The Heart for Microsoft
For nearly two years, since the launch of Windows Media Center XP 2005, Microsoft has tried unsuccessfully to convince consumers that they should stick their PCs in the living room. The unveiling of Apple's coming iTV product yesterday was the final stab in the heart to Bill Gates' vision of doing for consumers what he did for businesses.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Teacher won't shave until bin Laden caught

After the September 11 terrorist attacks, Gary Weddle followed the news so closely he forgot to shave. After a week he decided not to shave until Osama bin Laden was caught or killed.He said he would keep the beard, which stretches more than a foot and has started turning gray, as long as bin Laden remains at large - even he gets buried with it.
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Saturns Moon Titan...
Very Strange indeed...
Anyone got an explaination of the UI they use, and whats with the tones?
Update i got an explaination.... and its interesting as hell..
Titan Descent Data Movie with Bells and Whistles
This movie, built with data collected during the European Space Agency's Huygens probe on Jan. 14, 2005, shows the operation of the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer camera during its descent and after touchdown. The camera was funded by NASA.
The almost four-hour-long operation of the camera is shown in less than five minutes. That's 40 times the actual speed up to landing and 100 times the actual speed thereafter.
The first part of the movie shows how Titan looked to the camera as it acquired more and more images during the probe's descent. Each image has a small field of view, and dozens of images were made into mosaics of the whole scene.
The scientists analyzed Huygens' speed, direction of motion, rotation and swinging during the descent. The movie includes sidebar graphics that show:
* (Lower left corner) Huygens' trajectory views from the south, a scale bar for comparison to the height of Mount Everest, colored arrows that point to the sun and to the Cassini orbiter.
* (Top left corner) A close-up view of the Huygens probe highlighting large and unexpected parachute movements, a scale bar for comparison to human height.
* (Lower right corner) A compass that shows the changing direction of view as Huygens rotates, along with the relative positions of the sun and Cassini.
* (Upper right corner) A clock that shows Universal Time for Jan. 14, 2005 (Universal Time is 7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time). Above the clock, events are listed in mission time, which starts with the deployment of the first of the three parachutes.
Sounds from a left speaker trace Huygens' motion, with tones changing with rotational speed and the tilt of the parachute. There also are clicks that clock the rotational counter, as well as sounds for the probe's heat shield hitting Titan's atmosphere, parachute deployments, heat shield release, jettison of the camera cover and touchdown.
Sounds from a right speaker go with the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer activity. There's a continuous tone that represents the strength of Huygens' signal to Cassini. Then there are 13 different chimes - one for each of instrument's 13 different science parts - that keep time with flashing-white-dot exposure counters. During its descent, the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer took 3,500 exposures.
The Huygens probe was delivered to Saturn's moon Titan by the Cassini spacecraft, which is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. NASA supplied two instruments on the probe, the descent imager/spectral radiometer and the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The descent imager/spectral radiometer team is based at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit .
Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Anyone got an explaination of the UI they use, and whats with the tones?
Update i got an explaination.... and its interesting as hell..
Titan Descent Data Movie with Bells and Whistles
This movie, built with data collected during the European Space Agency's Huygens probe on Jan. 14, 2005, shows the operation of the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer camera during its descent and after touchdown. The camera was funded by NASA.
The almost four-hour-long operation of the camera is shown in less than five minutes. That's 40 times the actual speed up to landing and 100 times the actual speed thereafter.
The first part of the movie shows how Titan looked to the camera as it acquired more and more images during the probe's descent. Each image has a small field of view, and dozens of images were made into mosaics of the whole scene.
The scientists analyzed Huygens' speed, direction of motion, rotation and swinging during the descent. The movie includes sidebar graphics that show:
* (Lower left corner) Huygens' trajectory views from the south, a scale bar for comparison to the height of Mount Everest, colored arrows that point to the sun and to the Cassini orbiter.
* (Top left corner) A close-up view of the Huygens probe highlighting large and unexpected parachute movements, a scale bar for comparison to human height.
* (Lower right corner) A compass that shows the changing direction of view as Huygens rotates, along with the relative positions of the sun and Cassini.
* (Upper right corner) A clock that shows Universal Time for Jan. 14, 2005 (Universal Time is 7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time). Above the clock, events are listed in mission time, which starts with the deployment of the first of the three parachutes.
Sounds from a left speaker trace Huygens' motion, with tones changing with rotational speed and the tilt of the parachute. There also are clicks that clock the rotational counter, as well as sounds for the probe's heat shield hitting Titan's atmosphere, parachute deployments, heat shield release, jettison of the camera cover and touchdown.
Sounds from a right speaker go with the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer activity. There's a continuous tone that represents the strength of Huygens' signal to Cassini. Then there are 13 different chimes - one for each of instrument's 13 different science parts - that keep time with flashing-white-dot exposure counters. During its descent, the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer took 3,500 exposures.
The Huygens probe was delivered to Saturn's moon Titan by the Cassini spacecraft, which is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. NASA supplied two instruments on the probe, the descent imager/spectral radiometer and the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The descent imager/spectral radiometer team is based at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit .
Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Will Google find it's way onto an iTV near you?
Googling Google author ponders if Google could eventually find it's way onto Apple's new iTV in the form of both advertising and streaming TV. Not completely out of left field given Google's relationship with companies like Viacom and the fact that their CEO sits on Apple's board now.
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Matt Lauer Corners Bush on Torture
If you want to see the beauty of body language at work, watch this interview. First, Bush is all over Matt Lauer -- check out the pointing and the aggressiveness. Then, when it's clear that Lauer's not buying it, he starts saying that he won't talk about what he's already been talking about.
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DARK MILESTONE: More Americans Have Now Died In Iraq Than On 9/11
Numbers: 3,015 Americans died (military deaths) as of September 9, 2006. 2,973 Americans died during the attacks on 9/11. - "Iraq didn't attack us on that day, and our misguided policy there has now taken more American lives than Al Qaeda."
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How to back your music with iTunes 7

Here's a step by step How To I wrote featuring one of iTunes 7's best new features: 'Back up to disc.'
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Infuriated George W. Bush says, "Whatever we have done is legal!"
Last year, enacting Sen. John McCain's anti-torture measure, Congress attempted to draw a clear line between acceptable and unacceptable treatment of prisoners for anyone acting in the name of the United States. Now the Bush administration wants to blur the line and possibly erase it.
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Viewsonic announces "Made for iPod" monitors

Whether you think it's a clue for today's Apple announcement or just a cool product idea, Viewsonic is showing off new displays with a built-in iPod doc for showing off video. Looks cool!
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Japan Installs the World's First Nationwide Earthquake-Detector system
No country needs an effective earthquake- warning system more than Japan, with its dizzyingly dense population and constant barrage of earthquakes. If all goes according to plan, a network of nearly 1,000 seismometers deployed around the archipelago will pick up "P-waves," the fast-moving seismic grumbles that herald major quakes.
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Students remember Bush's 'My Pet Goat' visit on 9/11
The students in the classroom with Pres. Bush on 9/11 reminisce about that day and how they view the events that followed. "'His face just started to turn red,' said Tyler, now 13 and in seventh grade. 'I thought, personally, he had to go to the bathroom.'"
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Bush 9/11/06
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Bush: Who has left this hole in the ground? We have not forgotten, Mr. President. You have. May this country forgive you.
Time Warner could drop AOL
"To sell off AOL, says Variety, Time Warner could give its CEO spot to Chief Operating Officer Jeff Bewkes (who's reportedly open to dropping AOL, Time Warner Cable, and the publishing division."
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VIDEO: Snow Repeats LIE That Saddam Had A Relationship With Zarqawi
White House Press Secretary Tony Snow insisted Saddam that had a "relationship" because Zarqawi was in the country. Snow refused to "go into the vagaries of the Senate report."
This is the equivalent of saying that the United States government had a "relationship" with unibomber Ted Kaczynski because he was "operating" in the US.
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This is the equivalent of saying that the United States government had a "relationship" with unibomber Ted Kaczynski because he was "operating" in the US.
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Steve Jobs - "Bill, thank you. The world's a better place."

I was looking around the Time Magazine website, and I found a magazine cover, that you would never see in stores today. It's a cover that has Steve Jobs on a cell phone thanking Bill Gates for saving Apple. Interesting to look back, and see how different things are now.
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Apple beefs up iPod gaming capabilities - including iTunes Store retail
A bunch of popular casual games are making the leap to iPod, including Tetris, Pac-Man, Zuma and Bejeweled. The announcement came at the start of Apple's Showtime event. The games will sell for $4.99 on iTunes.
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iTunes 7 with iTunes Movie Store announced! - Engadget

As if those spotlit "It's Showtime" Apple announcements weren't going to yield the iTunes Movie Store; just in time too, as CinemaNow and Movielink have been around for ages, Vongo's been kicking for months, Amazon's Unbox just hit the streets the other day, Microsoft's Zune video player is just around the corner, and Netflix's movie service is expected any time.
iTunes 7 with iTunes Movie Store announced! - Engadget
Apple to release iTV video streaming box in 2007 - Engadget

In an unusual turn of events, Apple has pre-announced a wireless video streaming set-top box to be released in Q1 2007 with the tag line "you can take content to your computer or iPod, but now... TV." Going by the codeword of iTV, the box looks like a flattened Mac mini -- apparently it's around half the height -- and features a built-in power supply, USB 2.0, Ethernet, 802.11 "wireless component video", optical audio and HDMI ports, plus regular ol' RCA stereo audio ports. Controllable by the standard Apple remote, the iTV will come with an updated version of the Front Row interface that shares Front Row's smooth 3D graphics, but differs in that it has a menu on the right side of the screen. Apparently it'll work with both iTunes on both PCs and Macs, and will sell for $299.
Apple to release iTV video streaming box in 2007 - Engadget

Wow even more pictures here!!
iTunes 7 released, loads of new features!
It now downloads album art for you from the iTunes Store, has a new view called Cover Flow (seriously!). Wow!
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iPod Shuffle now "world's smallest MP3 player" - Engadget

Damn, looks like even the humble Shuffle is getting a bump today. After having sold 10 million of the first gen Shuffles, the new model is now reportedly the size of the iPod radio remote, comes in just a 1GB capacity, and sports a shiny new aluminum body with clip for easy wearability. Steve's calling it the "world's smallest MP3 player" and hey, who are we to argue.
iPod Shuffle now "world's smallest MP3 player" - Engadget
Fortune editor: Macs offer more bang for the buck in iMac vs. Dell
In a Fortune column, senior editor compares Macs and Dells and concludes that the Apple systems offer more for the money. Just as we knew all along, only now you can run windows on it cheaper than on a Dell also.
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Madman bungee jumps and then right at the very moment he gets to the ground they cut him away so he lands on the ground safely.
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Homeless in paradise: People with no home often live on the beach in Hawaii
Just up the coast from a major luxury resort, at least 725 homeless people - by one community group's count - are living on a 16-mile stretch of Oahu's western shore, a pristine beach where oceanfront lots would cost millions.
Armed with city-issued camping permits, the homeless use beach showers and sleep in tightly packed tents.
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Armed with city-issued camping permits, the homeless use beach showers and sleep in tightly packed tents.
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Coolest. Boat. Ever.
If Darth Vader had a boat, this would be it. Top Gear checks out the Wallypower 118, a new stealth jet-yacht. It'll cost you $25 million, but that money won't go towards gold chandeliers. Almost everything is carbon fibre!
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U.S. Army General Says Flight 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon
Watch the video. Whatever hit the Pentagon was probably not Flight 77. A few questions then come to mind. What did hit the Pentagon? What happened to Flight 77? What is the real story? The truth will be embarassing. The truth will cause people to ask even more questions. The truth will cause a shift in the power structure
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9/11 Commission Vice Chair: Path to 9/11 Is �Not Good For the Country�
9/11 Vice Chair Lee Hamilton: "It is either a documentary or it is a drama. And to fudge it causes me a great deal of concern and suggests to me that news and entertainment are getting dangerously intertwined. And I do not think that that is good for the country."
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The Funniest Joke Ever Told
The classic Monty Python skit, detailing the incredible power of the funniest joke ever told.
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iTunes Music Store says 'It's Showtime'
Apple's iTunes Music Store has gone down and has been replaced with a black screen with the simple words: It's Showtime. The iTunes Store is being updated
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Apple to Make Big Consumer Electronics Push in Next 6-9 Months
A trio of Goldman Sachs analysts predict that Apple will be pushing hard into the consumer electronics field. The company will switch its focus from the Mac to consumer electronics. They predict a barrage of products in the next 6-9 months.
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Digg to Federated Media: Show Me The Money!
This phrase must be on the tip of Digg CEO Jay Adelson's tongue. Why is Digg, certainly one of the hottest web properties going right now, being forced more often than not to fall back on Google's Adsense program to generate revenue? (and how many filler "house ads" Diggnation have you seen lately?)
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INSANE Japanese manhole cover spews cockroaches.
Found this video on youtube. Footage of a manhole cover which appears to be holding back millions of roaches. It is absolutely disturbing. This manhole either leads straight to hell or New Jersey. Since this footage is from Japan (and since cameras are huge in Japan) there are already dozens of similar videos on youtube.
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Monday, September 11, 2006
Never before seen 30 minute video of WTC attack
A video blogger has uploaded an unedited 30 minute video of the WTC attacks to Revver. It was filmed from their home 500 yards from the north tower. This is the first time this video has been publicly released.
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How To: Pop Machine "Hack"
This article will show you how to hack a pop machine and either get half off pop or 3 pops for the price of one. Its a pretty neat trick and there is a video as well.
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Rosetta to Get "Significant performance enhancements" in 10.4.8
Apple Computer this past weekend released to its developers the second external builds of Mac OS X 10.4.8 Update, a stability and performance upgrade to its Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger operating system. It's reported that on Friday, the Mac maker seeded Mac OS X 10.4.8 Update build 8L2122 for Intel Macs and build 8L122...
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Rosetta to Get "Significant performance enhancements" in 10.4.8
Apple Computer this past weekend released to its developers the second external builds of Mac OS X 10.4.8 Update, a stability and performance upgrade to its Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger operating system. It's reported that on Friday, the Mac maker seeded Mac OS X 10.4.8 Update build 8L2122 for Intel Macs and build 8L122...
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Old Soviet Images of Venus Yield Fresh Surprises
Beefed up imagery taken from the hellish surface of Venus nearly 25 years ago is offering new glimpses of that strange landscape.
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What News Corp doesn't want you to know about MySpace
About four months ago I was hired by an online publisher as a freelance journalist to write an article detailing the history and business model of
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Johnny Knoxville - Before Jackass
This is how Jackass (the tv show) got started. Extremely RARE footage. Knoxville shocks himself and other crazy stuff for a magazine article. WATCH THIS!!
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9/11 Kean Commission Report Exposed as 'Fraud of Historic Proportions'
On the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the former Air Force officer and director of the 'Star Wars' program and top 9/11 researchers, authors and activists will present HARD PROOF that the official narrative of the Kean-Hamilton Commission and Bush- Cheney Administration is a fraud of world historic proportions.
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Learn about how our current politics were formed MANY years ago.
Part 1 of 3. All hail the British media! Please watch and learn. I'm sure you can find the other 2 parts. Best quality is granted by using google video and using their player. (and, obviously, downloading the vid to play in their player).
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The top 50 most expensive adwords
New list of the top 50 most expensive Google adwords as of September 11, 2006. The most expensive one is as much as $69.16 CPC (costs per click!). I found it rather amazing that these keywords are much more expensive than, say... even keywords like private yachts, jets, luxury homes and so on!
The top 50 most expensive adwords
"Loan consolidation" ($69.16) currently owns them all
This is the list of the top 50 most expensive loan consolidations Google adwords as of September 11, 2006 (GMT+1) (according to wget, grep, sed & friends).
I found it rather amazing that the keywords loan consolidation for college, school, car etc. are much more expensive than, say... even private yachts, jets, luxury homes and so on!
Prices are shown in estimated average CPC (costs per click). Yes, just one tiny click from someone searching for these keywords is worth almost $70 to someone, apparently.
Adword Average CPC school loan consolidation $69.16
college loan consolidation $68.35
car insurance quotes $66.88
school consolidation $66.29
auto insurance quotes $65.90
college consolidation $64.04
student loan consolidation rates $60.14
sell structured settlement $59.82
sell annuity $58.92
federal student loan consolidation $58.58
auto quotes $58.09
auto insurance quote $57.99
student consolidation $56.96
student loan consolidation $56.91
student loan consolidation interest rate $56.52
consolidate student loan $54.61
san diego dui attorney $54.56
car insurance $53.16
structured settlement $52.96
consolidate school loans $52.88
student loan refinance $52.44
consolidation of student loans $52.43
consolidation loan rate $52.04
citibank student loan consolidation $51.85
car insurance quote $51.80
consolidate student loans $51.23
private student loan consolidation $51.05
lasik new york $49.86
student loans consolidation $49.82
private loan consolidation $48.95
insurance quotes $48.78
teleconference services $48.72
the art institute of seattle $48.68
federal loan consolidation $48.61
plus loan consolidation $47.74
student loan consolidation programs $47.58
bad credit equity loan $47.46
houston criminal attorney $47.44
student loan consolidation calculator $47.19
cash settlement $47.12
consolidating student loans $47.09
orlando culinary institute $46.84
student loan consolidation program $46.77
orlando culinary institute $46.69
consolidation loan $46.54
loan consolidation $46.54
orlando culinary institute $46.51
ditech $46.32
auto quote $45.77
sallie mae student loan consolidation $45.69
Once your loan has brought you through college, you probably will be in huge need of the adwords below position #50, which are mostly insurances, tax-related keywords and - bless America - lawyers ;)
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The top 50 most expensive adwords
"Loan consolidation" ($69.16) currently owns them all
This is the list of the top 50 most expensive loan consolidations Google adwords as of September 11, 2006 (GMT+1) (according to wget, grep, sed & friends).
I found it rather amazing that the keywords loan consolidation for college, school, car etc. are much more expensive than, say... even private yachts, jets, luxury homes and so on!
Prices are shown in estimated average CPC (costs per click). Yes, just one tiny click from someone searching for these keywords is worth almost $70 to someone, apparently.
Adword Average CPC school loan consolidation $69.16
college loan consolidation $68.35
car insurance quotes $66.88
school consolidation $66.29
auto insurance quotes $65.90
college consolidation $64.04
student loan consolidation rates $60.14
sell structured settlement $59.82
sell annuity $58.92
federal student loan consolidation $58.58
auto quotes $58.09
auto insurance quote $57.99
student consolidation $56.96
student loan consolidation $56.91
student loan consolidation interest rate $56.52
consolidate student loan $54.61
san diego dui attorney $54.56
car insurance $53.16
structured settlement $52.96
consolidate school loans $52.88
student loan refinance $52.44
consolidation of student loans $52.43
consolidation loan rate $52.04
citibank student loan consolidation $51.85
car insurance quote $51.80
consolidate student loans $51.23
private student loan consolidation $51.05
lasik new york $49.86
student loans consolidation $49.82
private loan consolidation $48.95
insurance quotes $48.78
teleconference services $48.72
the art institute of seattle $48.68
federal loan consolidation $48.61
plus loan consolidation $47.74
student loan consolidation programs $47.58
bad credit equity loan $47.46
houston criminal attorney $47.44
student loan consolidation calculator $47.19
cash settlement $47.12
consolidating student loans $47.09
orlando culinary institute $46.84
student loan consolidation program $46.77
orlando culinary institute $46.69
consolidation loan $46.54
loan consolidation $46.54
orlando culinary institute $46.51
ditech $46.32
auto quote $45.77
sallie mae student loan consolidation $45.69
Once your loan has brought you through college, you probably will be in huge need of the adwords below position #50, which are mostly insurances, tax-related keywords and - bless America - lawyers ;)
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Ken Miller on "Intelligent Design"
Miller basically rips Intelligent Design apart in a 2 hour long expos
é in which he explains the tactics creationists use to get it shoehorned into the American school system.
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é in which he explains the tactics creationists use to get it shoehorned into the American school system.
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Transcript of Cheney Interview
Cheney blatantly lies about everything from Pakistan's support for the Taliban to once again claiming there was a link between Saddam & Al Qaeda. When asked about Iraq, he said that even though it was never the central front in the war on terror "it is now." Which is actually a lie in itself. Unbelievable. Tricky Dick Cheney does it again.
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Friday, September 08, 2006
Lost TV Series - DHARMA Orientation Video from has been releasing small fragments of this video for about one and a half months. This is the collection of those 70 clips in one solid video. The video is a part of The Lost Experience game going on this support. More information is available in the Lostpedia:
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"Office Space" Follow-Up Gets Very Limited Release
Want to know when Mike Judge
�s follow-up movie to �Office Space� is coming out? It�s been out � for a week
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�s follow-up movie to �Office Space� is coming out? It�s been out � for a week
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Why windows takes so long to start up.
Most of us have had a brand new computer at one time. It's a great feeling. You boot up windows and within 30 seconds you are surfing the net, checking your email, or playing your favorite game. 10 months down the road things aren't so nice anymore. You power up your computer and it seems to take forever to load.
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Physical Rights Management - Do You Really Own Anything You Buy?
For the sake of argument, let's imagine the worst case scenario. Microsoft goes bankrupt overnight. The servers are gone, the Gamertag is gone, Xbox Live is gone. You've still got your games, though, right? Sure, but they are stuck on a proprietary hard drive with no means of backup. The clock is ticking. When they're gone, they're gone.
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